I can see the flickers - over me the lanterns rised... Lift me up, lift me over it.
Люди добрые, помогите!!! Завтра у нас годовая с английского! Все англоязычные человеки, можете ли вы мне помочь? Требуется сочинение, где-то на 22 предложения, на тему "The beauty will save the world". На свои силы не могу надеяться, потому как 100% наделаю ошибок...Хотя работать-то все равно придется...
Но я не знаю, что можно по этому поводу написааать!!!
Но я не знаю, что можно по этому поводу написааать!!!

Маленькая подсказка: вспомни строчку из какой-нибудь песни, где слово beauty присутствует...
Это половина нужного тебе объема, но на большее меня не хватило.
Scientists say that it was labor that turned monkeys into people. Of course there is some truth in this phrase, but there can also be another opinion: the first people became people when they learned to see beauty in the world around them. The beauty of the blue skies above their heads and the multicolored carpets of grass and flowers under their feet. The beauty of the nature's works, and then - of things they learned to make with their own hands. There are animals and insects that are capable of doing things we could very well call labor, and even of cooperating so well that some people are told to follow their example. But there is no sparkle of intellect in what they do. The same happens to some people when they only follow their daily routines, doing things they have to do without stopping to think, to look around, to listen to their emotions, and to admire the beauty of the world around them. Nowadays this happens often, and it seems there is no place for beauty in our life any more. But this shouldn't be so. The beauty of the world we live in turned us into people from animals, and now it has to stop us from turning into robots. It will save the world, as it always did in the hardest times, if only we people let it into our lives, and allow it to do so.
ООо, спасибо, спасибо, спасибо большоеее!!!!! *хлопает в ладоши*
Отлично, другое я додумаю!!!
По-моему, кое-что я уже вспомнила! Спасиб!