I can see the flickers - over me the lanterns rised... Lift me up, lift me over it.
О, эти диаложики Быка с Дорианом, I so ship it 
Iron Bull: Better hike up your skirt, mage boy.
Dorian: I'm not wearing a skirt.
Iron Bull: You trip on that bustling whatever, don't come crying to me.
Dorian: Watch where you're pointing that thing!
Iron Bull: Dirty.
Dorian: Vishante kaffas! I meant your weapon!
Iron Bull: Quite the stink-eye you've got going, Dorian.
Dorian: You stand there, flexing your muscles, huffing like some beast of burden with no thought save conquest.
Iron Bull: That's right. These big muscled hands could tear those robes off while you struggled, helpless in my grip.
Iron Bull: I'd pin you down, and as you gripped my horns; I. Would. Conquer. You.
Dorian: Uh. What?
Iron Bull: Oh. Is that not where we're going?
Dorian: No. It was very much not.
Ну и это, конечно.)
Dorian: Ah, Solas. You startled me. You're always so... nondescript.
Solas: Please speak up! I cannot hear you over your outfit!

Iron Bull: Better hike up your skirt, mage boy.
Dorian: I'm not wearing a skirt.
Iron Bull: You trip on that bustling whatever, don't come crying to me.
Dorian: Watch where you're pointing that thing!
Iron Bull: Dirty.
Dorian: Vishante kaffas! I meant your weapon!
Iron Bull: Quite the stink-eye you've got going, Dorian.
Dorian: You stand there, flexing your muscles, huffing like some beast of burden with no thought save conquest.
Iron Bull: That's right. These big muscled hands could tear those robes off while you struggled, helpless in my grip.
Iron Bull: I'd pin you down, and as you gripped my horns; I. Would. Conquer. You.
Dorian: Uh. What?
Iron Bull: Oh. Is that not where we're going?
Dorian: No. It was very much not.
Ну и это, конечно.)
Dorian: Ah, Solas. You startled me. You're always so... nondescript.
Solas: Please speak up! I cannot hear you over your outfit!